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Dr of science in physics and mathematics, Professor, Member-correspondent of National Academy of Science of Kazakhstan Republic Viktor Ivanovich DROBJEV is the Director

Telephone 54-80-74, e-mail:


Institute comprises three-research laboratory:

laboratory of active impacts

laboratory of geo-space relationships

laboratory of wave processes in the ionosphere.


Results of first studies of near space by artificial satellites during the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958 years) have shown that the net of ground based observatories studying the ionosphere, propagation of radio waves, Earth’s magnetic field, and intensity of solar and galactic cosmic rays has to be extended. In this connection Department of Ionosphere attached to Academy of Science Presidium of Kazach SSR was established in March, 1961. It comprised three magnetic-ionospheric stations located at Almaty, Karaganda, and Novo-Kazalinsk. Department of Ionosphere was reorganized at Institute of Ionosphere on the basis of the order of Kazach SSR Ministry Council (20 May, 1983, N948r) and the decree of Kazach SSR Ministry Council (21 June, 1983, N270) and the decree of Academy of Science Presidium (7 July, 1983).



near space

physics of solar-terrestrial relationships

physics of the atmosphere.


1. Viktor Ivanovich DROBJEV, Prof. Dr of science in physics and mathematics, Member-correspondent of National Academy of Science of Kazakhstan Republic, member of American Geophysical Union, director of Institute

Code division: Geophysic-01.04.12.

Scientific direction: Physics of the neat space.

Three main contributions:

V.I.Drobjev, A.F.Yakovets, Yu.G.Litvinov The spatial coherence of travelling ionospheric disturbances at mid-latitudes // J.Atm.Terr, Phys. 1995. v. 57. N 1. p.25-33.

В.И.Дробжев, Л.О.Альперович, Б.О.Вугмейстер, М.Б.Гохбергом и др. Об опыте моделирования магнитосферно-ионосферных эффектов при сейсмических явлениях // Докл. АН СССР. 1983. 269. № 3.

В.И.Дробжев, В.Н.Доронин и др. Влияние вариаций геомагнитного поля и солнечной активности на физиологические показатели человека // Биофизика. Москва: “Наука”. 1998. Т.43. Вып. 4. с.647.

2. Valerii Michailovich KRASNOV, Dr of science in physics and mathematics, member of American Geophysical Union, principal researcher

Code division: Radio-Physics-01.04.03.

Scientific direction: Weak blast waves of a natural and artificial origin in the atmosphere, their action onto the ionosphere and conditions of radio wave propagation.

Three main contributions:

Krasnov V.M., Drobzheva Ya.V. Influence of Infrasonic Waves on the Ionosphere// Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2001, Part C, Vol. 26, №6, p. 433-437.

Ya.V. Drobzheva, Krasnov V.M. Initial signature and vertical-oblique acoustic pulse propagation model in atmosphere (on the base of Mill Race explosion results) //Acoustic Journal, Russia, 1999, Vol.45, No.2, p.p. 213-219.

Krasnov V.M. Remote monitoring of nuclear explosions during radio sounding of ionosphere over explosion place. URCI. Proceedings of the 16th National Radio Science Conference, Cairo - Egypt, 1999, Feb.23-25, p. 1-7.

3. Igor Dmitrievich KOZIN, Prof. Dr of science in physics and

mathematics, principal researcher

Code division: Radio-Physics-01.04.03.

Scientific direction: Radio-Physics.

Three main contributions:

Л.Дорман, И.Д.Козин. Космическое излучение в верхней атмосфере. //М.: “Наука”. Изд-во физ.-мат.литературы. 1983.

И.Д.Козин, И.Н.Федулина, Б.Д.Чакенов. Изменения общего содержания озона при возмущениях космических лучей в периоды Форбуш-эффектов. // Метеорология и гидрология. М.: 1994. № 10.

В.И.Козин, И.Д.Козин, В.Р. Кумамбетов, И.Н.Федулина. Система ближней навигации и посадки летательных аппаратов. // Сборник докладов У1 Международной научно-технической конференции. “Радиолокация, навигация, связь”. 25-27 апреля 2000 г. Воронеж.

4. Galina Jakovlevna KHACHIKJAN, principal researcher, Dr of science in physics and mathematics, assistant professor.

Code division: geliophysics and Solar System Physics-01.03.03.

Scientific direction: structure and dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere.

Three main contributions:

G.Ja.Khachikjan, A.I. Pogoreltsev, Ja.V.Drobjeva Mean thermospheric winds at middle latitudes of the Northern hemisphere derived from longitudinal variations of the F2-layer peak heights.// J.Atmos. Terr. phys. 1997. V.59. Р.1391- 1403.

Хачикян Г.Я., Погорельцев А.И., Дробжева Я.В. О возможности мониторинга среднезональных значений термосферного ветра на средних широтах северного полушария станциями вертикального зондирования ионосферы. Сб. Мониторинг окружающей среды и проблемы солнечно-земной физики. Изд. НТЛ. г.Томск. 1996. С.123-124.

Хачикян Г.Я., Власова Н.Г. О влиянии среды распространения радиоволн на геомагнитный шторм. Сб. АИЭС. 2001.

5. Vjacheslav Michailovich SOMSIKOV, Prof. Dr of science in physics and mathematics, head of a laboratory

Code division: Geophysics-01.04.12.

Scientific direction: problem of open non-equilibrium systems in geophysics.

Three main contributions:

V.M.Somsikov. Transmitter processes and collision matrix in hard disks system. Regular and Chaotic dynamics. 1998. N2. V.1. Р.67-73.

V.M.Somsikov. Interrelation between a classical mechanics and statistical phisics. Problems of the evolution of opened systems. Proceed. Internat. workshop (4-8 Oct. 1999) 2000. March. Р.30-40.

В.М.Сомсиков. Матрица столкновений в эволюции системы твердых дисков. ДАН МН-АН РК. 1998. N2. С.25-33.

6. Ibragim Esenovich SYLEIMENOV, Dr of Chemical Seiences, principal researcher

Code division: Physical chemistry-02.01.05.

Scientific direction: optics of the atmosphere biomodeling, physics of open systems.

Three main contributions:

I.E.Suleimenov. On dynamics of Polyelectrolyte Gel Swelling // Problems of evolution of opened system. Almaty. 2000. V.2. P.31-41.

Monograph И.Э.Сулейменов, В.А.Козлов, Л.А.Бимендина, Е.А.Бектуров. “Самоорганизация органических и неорганических полимеров воде”. Алматы, Дайк-Пресс. 1999. 220 с.

Monograph Е.А.Бектуров, И.Э. Сулейменов. “Полимерные гидрогели”. Алматы. Гылым. 1998. 240 С.

7. Vladimir Leonidovich SAVELIEV, PhD in physics and mathematics, principal researcher.

Code division: Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma-01.02.05.

Scientific direction: Studying of properties of symmetry of kinetical equations.

Three main contributions:

V.L.Saveliev. Group theory description of temperature and mass dependence of linear Boltzmann collision operator. Rarefied Gas Dynamics Volume I. Proceedings of 21st International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. Editors: R.Brun, R.Campargue, R.Gatignol, J.C.Lengrand CEPADUES-EDITIONS. Toulouse. France. 1999. PP.31-37.

V.L.Saveliev. A parametrisation of collision by a rotation matrix and Boltzmann collizion integral in discrete models of gas mixtures. Preprint of the Institute of Ionosphere. Almaty. 1999. No.98-2. 21 p.

В.Л.Савельев. Параметризация столкновений матрицей поворота и интеграла столкновений Больцмана в дискетных моделях смеси газов. // Докл. НАН РК. 2000. №4. Стр. 14-24.

8. Alecsandr Ivanovich POGORELTSEV, PhD in physics and mathematics, principal researcher, co-leader of Working Group (Planetary Scale Description working Group) international project PSMOS (Planetary Scale Mesopause Observing System), under SCOSTEP.

Code division: Geophysics-01.04.12.

Scientific direction: structure and dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere.

Three main contributions:

Pogoreltsev A.I. Simulation of Kelvin waves in the middle atmosphere using a global model of planetary waves. Abstracts of IUGG XXII General Assembly, Birmingham. July. 1999. Р.A9.

Pogoreltsev A.I. The resonant response of the atmosphere to the lower bound-ary forcing for westward zonal wavenumber one and the period varied from 6 to 24 hours. Abstracts of IUGG XXII General Assembly. Birmingham. July. 1999. Р.A12.

V.M.Aushev, A.I.Pogoreltsev, V.V.Vodyannikov, R.N.Wiens, G.G.Shepherd. Results of the airglov and temperature observatins by MORTI at the Almaty site (43.05N, 76.97E). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. (Part B). 2000. V.25. No5-6. 409-415.

9. Yupii Konstantinovich POSTOEV, PhD in physics and mathematics, principal researcher.

Code division: radio-physics-01.04.03.

Scientific direction: physics of the ionosphere and radio wave propagation.

Three main contributions:

Ю.К.Постоев и др. Региональная система прогнози-рования радиоволн в КВ-диапазоне. Известия МН-АН РК. 1998. № 4. Стр.217-221.

Ю.К.Постоев и др. Система оперативного прогноза условий распространения радиоволн КВ диапазона на основе региональной адаптируемой модели ионосферы. Научно-технический сборник “Системы телекоммуни-каций и связи, создаваемые в Республике Казахстан”. 2000.

Ю.К.Постоев, Т.Б.Степанова, Г.Я.Хачикян. О возможности использования средних значений плазменных частот при решении задач ионосферной диагностики, связанной с солнечной активностью.// Международная конференция. г.Алматы. 21 сентября 2000.

10. Arthur Fedorovich YAKOVETS, PhD in physics and mathematics, head of a laboratory.

Code division: radio-physics-01.04.03.

Scientific direction: traveling ionospheric disturbances.

Three main contributions:

A.F.Yakovets, V.I.Drobjev, and Yu.G.Litvinov. The spatial coherence of travelling ionospheric disturbances at mid-latitudes. Journ. Atm. Terr. Phys., 1995, v.57, p.25-33.

A.F.Yakovets, M.Z.Kaliev, V.V.Vodyannikov. An experimental study of wave packets in travelling ionospheric disturbances. Journ. Atm. Sol.-Terr. Phys.,1999,, v.61, p. 629-639.

Vodyannikov, V.V., D.E. Zachateiskiy, and A.F. Yakovets, Travelling ionospheric disturbances into the night ionosphere, Izvestiya (Proceedings) Kazakh. Min.-Acad. Sci., 4, 52-56.

11. Olga Nikolaevna KRYAKUNOVA, PhD in physics and mathematics, scientific researcher.

Code division: geo-physics-01.04.12.

Scientific direction: physics of cosmic rays, solar-terrestrial relation-ships.

Three main contributions:

Chertok I.M., Kryakunova O.N. Post-CME energy release from solar sources of the largest geospace disturbances. 31st ESLAB Symposium, Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in Heliosphere and in Geospace, European Space Agency, Special Publication-415. Noordwijk. The Netherlands. 1997. P.407-411.

Aushev V.M., Kryakunova O.N., Kriukov S.V., Zusmanovich A.G. The inflience of solar activity nonstationary conditions on the long term cosmic ray modulation. Advances in Solar Connection with Transient Interplanetary Phenomena. Proceeding of the III SOLTIP Symposium. International Academic Publishers. 1998. P.547-550.

Aushev V.M., Dryn E.A., Kryakunova O.N. The Large Proton Events and Forbush Decreases by Means of High Altitude Neutron Monitor. Reports of Russian Academy of Sciences (Izvestiya RAN). Phys. Series. 2001. N.3.V.65. P.317-320.

12. Valentina Pavlovna ANTONOVA, PhD in physics and mathematics, scientific researcher.

Code division: geliophysics and Solar System Physics - 01.03.03.

Scientific direction: physics of cosmic rays, solar-terrestrial relation-ships.

Three main contributions:

V.P.Antonova, A.P.Chubenko, M.M.Kokobaev, A.L.Shepetov,, L.A.Vildanova, G.B.Zhdanov. Phenomenon of the anomalous delay of hadronic and electronic components of EAS. // Nuclear Physics B. 75A. 1999. Р.333-335.

A.P.Chubenko, V.P.Antonova, S.V.Kryukov, Intensive X-ray emission bursts during thunderstorms. // Physics Letters A 275. 2000. Р.90-100.

Антонова В.П., Крюков С.В., Аушев В.М. Суточная зависимость флуктуаций космических лучей. // Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия, 1998. Т.38. №6. С.151-155.

13. Galina Ivanovna GORDIENKO, PhD in physics and mathematics, scientific researcher, member of Working Group IAGA studying of dynamic processes in the ionosphere.

Code division: geo-physics-01.04.12.

Scientific direction: study of dynamic processes in the ionosphere solar-terrestrial relation-ships.

Three main contributions:

G.I.Gordienko, D.E.Zachateiskiy, M.Z.Kaliev, S.N.Mykasheva, V.V.Vodyannikov. Nighttime increases in ionosphere electron content (a statistical and experimental study). Jornal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 63 (2001). 617-625.

Г.И.Гордиенко, М.З.Калиев. Связь межсуточных вариаций ионосферы с изменением солнечной активности. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. 1997. T.37. №4. С.85-19.

Г.И.Гордиенко, М.З.Калиев, С.Н.Мукашева. Изучение временных вариаций ионосферы и уровня солнечной активности в диапазоне 8-30 суток. Известия МН-АН РК. Серия физико-математическая. 1998. № 4. С.35-140.

14. Inna Alekseevna FEDYLINA, PhD in physics and mathematics, scientific researcher, member of American Geophysical Union.

Code division: geliophysics and Solar System Physics-01.03.03.

Scientific direction: structure and dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere.

Three main contributions:

Fedylina I.N., I.D.Kozin. Variations of ozone and temperature vertical profiles in the periods of disturbances in galactic cosmic rays. AGU Spring Meeting. Boston. Massachusetts. 1999. May 31-June 4.

Long-period variations of ionospheric F2 layer during the Forbush effects in cosmic rays. ХП Генеральная ассамблея Европейского геофизического Союза. Австрия. Вена. 21-25 апреля 1997.

I.N.Fedylina. Galactic cosmic rays as a Regulator of Composition and Thermodynamical Processes in Stratosphere. Международная летняя школа по физике и охране природы. Исламабад. Пакистан. 28 июля - 9 августа 1997.

15. Yana Viktorovna DROBZHEVA, PhD in physics and mathematics, scientific researcher.

Code division: geo-physics-01.04.12.

Scientific direction: Weak blast waves of a natural and artificial origin in the atmosphere, their action onto the ionosphere and conditions of radio wave propagation.

Three main contributions:

Drobzheva Ya.V., Krasnov V.M. Acoustic and Ionospheric Disturbances from point Acoustic Source// Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2001, Part C, Vol. 26, №6, p. 439-443.

Drobzheva Ya.V., Krasnov V.M. Results of measurements of infrasound and model calculations of the trajectories of the infrasound propagation at the distance about 740 km from two explosions. Presentations of the Infrasound Workshop, Passau, Germany, 2000, p. 10, HYPERLINK

Ya.V. Drobzheva, Krasnov V.M. Initial signature and vertical-oblique acoustic pulse propagation model in atmosphere (on the base of Mill Race explosion results) //Acoustic Journal, Russia, 1999, Vol.45, No.2, p.p. 213-219.

16. Yakov Fedorovich ASHKALIEV, PhD in physics and mathematics, scientific researcher.

Code division: radio-physics-01.042.

Scientific direction: vertical structure of atmospheric-gravity waves in midlle-latitude ionosphere.

Three main contributions:

Я.Ф.Ашкалиев, В.В.Водянников, А.Ф.Яковец. Динамика спектра волновых возмущений ионосферы. // Известия МН-АН РК. Серия физико-математическая. 1994. №4. С.62-68.

Я.Ф.Ашкалиев, В.И.Дробжев, А.Ф.Яковец. Пространственная неоднородность ионосферы по данным фрактального анализа временных рядов. // Известия МН-АН РК. Серия физико-математическая. 1996. №4. С.47-50.

Я.Ф.Ашкалиев, В.И.Дробжев. Влияние солнечной активности на экологическую обстановку. // Биофизика. 1995. Т.40. №5. С.1035-1041.

17. Tatiana Sergeevna FRJAZINOVA, PhD in physics and mathematics, scientific researcher.

Code division: biophysics-03.00.02.

Scientific direction: study of organizm stafitity under variations of exogen factory.

Three main contributions:

Фрязинова Т.С., Хлебопрос Р.Г. Диагностика, акупунктура, теория просачивания. Алматы. 1995. Монография. 295 стр.

Фрязинова Т.С., Шейкин А.О., Колканов А.Т. Аритмические колебания в системе гео-био-циноза чумы. Сб. Биосфера и человечество. Обнинск. 2000. Стр.193-197.

Фрязинова Т.С., Ефимов М.Л., Васильева Г.С. и др. Результаты исследования взаимодействия системы риодараку гелио- геофизическими факторами. Известия МОН РК. Серия физическая. 2000.

18. Sayle Nyrmychanbetovna MYKASHEVA, PhD in physics and mathematics,

Code division: geliophysics and Solar System Physics-01.03.03.

Scientific direction: morphology of the middle-latitude ionosphere.

Three main contributions:

G.I.Gordienko, D.E.Zachateisky, M.Z.Kaliev, S.N.Mykasheva, V.V.Vodyannikov. Nighttime increasing in ionosphere electron content (a statistical and experimental study). // J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 2001. Apr. V.63 Issue 6. Р.617-625.

С.Н.Мукашева. “Морфология поведения интегрального электронного содержания ионосферы над Казахстаном”. // Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата физико-математических наук. РК Алматы. 1999.

С.Н.Мукашева. Суточные, сезонные и долгопериодные вариации интегрального электронного содержания ионосферы над Казахстаном. // Известия МН-АН РК. 1998. № 4. С.26-134.