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Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 480100, Almaty, Pushkin street, 125
Phone: +7(3272) 913740
Fax: +7(3272) 913740

Dr. Prof., Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences A.A. ZHENSYKBAYEV is the Director of Institute
Phone: +7 (3272) 913740

Dr. Prof., Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences N.K. BLIEV is the honorary director
Phone: +7 (3272) 627172

Dr. Prof. I.T. PARK is the Deputy director
Phone: +7(3272) 913715 Fax: +7(3272) 627479

Ph.D. G.K. ZAKIRYANOVA is the Scientific secretary
Phone: +7(3272) 913764


LABORATORY OF THEORY OF FUNCTIONS. Dr. B.L. Baideldinov is the head of laboratory (Study of properties of functions, functional spaces and various operators in functional spaces, their appendix; the theorems of an investment weight spaces and their appendix)

LABORATORY OF APPROXIMATIONS. A.A. Zhensykbayev, Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences, Kazakhstan is the head of laboratory (Problem of optimum restoration on classes of functions such as convolution on exact and the inexact chaotic information; many-dimensional approximation; the theories of probability)

LABORATORY OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Dr. Prof. D.S. Dzhumabayev is the head of laboratory (Boundary value problems for the differential equations and their approximation; inverse problems of dynamics, optimality and stability of controllable systems)

LABORATORY OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS. Dr. Prof. M.I. Rahimberdiev is the head of laboratory

(Qualitative theory of the differential equations; development of the first Lyapunov’s method; theory of bifurcations; application of methods of the qualitative analysis to investigation of the problems of population dynamics, kinetic theory of gases, hydrodynamics)

LABORATORY OF EQUATIONS OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. Dr. Prof. M.T. Dzhenaliev (Classical and nonclassical boundary value problems for the linear and nonlinear differential and functional differential, functional and differential equations and systems of mathematical physics, and also equations of heat conductivity in degenerating areas with application to the phenomena heat-and mass transfer; Development of the theory of discrete models of the Boltzmann’s equation; qualitative investigate and numerical methods)

LABORATORY OF ALGEBRA AND MATHEMATICAL LOGIC. A.S. Dzhumadil’daev, Prof. Dr. Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences is the head of laboratory (Algorithmic problems of mathematical logic, expressive opportunities of the formulas of predicates, general questions of the theory of models, questions of structure and spectrum of homogeneous models and them automorphism; investigation of algebras of Lie)

LABORATORY OF COMPUTER MODELING. Dr. Prof. I.T. Park is the head of laboratory (Development and application of methods of the theory of dynamic systems, fractal and stochastic geometry, neurocomputering in seismology, geophysics, physics of the Sun, hydrology, economy and ecology)

LABORATORY OF CALCULATING METHODS OF WAVE DYNAMICS. Dr. Prof. L.A. Alekseyeva is the head of laboratory (Boundary value problems of dynamics of elastic, thermoelastic, multicomponent, magnetoelastic and electromagnetic mediums; development of numerical and analytical methods of the solution of non-stationary and stationary boundary value problems of the mechanics of a deformable solid; investigate of processes of propagation and diffraction of waves in deformable mediums with concentrators of stress such cavities and inclusions of the various forms with the applications in dynamics of underground structures)

LABORATORY OF APPLIED HYDRODYNAMICS. Dr. Prof. M.K. Takabayev is the head of laboratory (Investigations of flows of fluids and gases in various regimes (turbulent, laminar) in the presence of active forces; the mathematical models and methods their solutions are constructed; the packages of programs for modeling clouds precipitation, of pollution of atmosphere in wake after moving object)

THE COMPUTER CENTER provides Internet and E- mail work of the Institute and other subdivisions of the Ministry of Education and Science, participates in development of applied software operating database. Educational sector of Computer Center on contract basis carries out training

THE EDUCATIONAL CENTER teaches the students (including the foreign one’s) the languages, as well as the Computer literacy of a various levels of the complexibility, it prepares them to be receipted in high schools. The Center organizes the information bank and studies the market for finding the foreign partners with the aim to replace our Center with the new students regularly. The Educational Center renders all kinds of information, engineering, intermedative services to whole firms and private persons.

POST-GRADUATE COURSE prepares the staff of high qualification with a separation and on the job. In post-graduate course on a competitive basis the persons having high education or a master degree are accepted. The citizens of other states are accepted in post-graduate course on the basis of the international contracts and agreements, and also under the individual contracts on a paid basis.


Д 53.04.01 on defence of the thesis on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences on specialities 01.01.01 - mathematical analysis, 01.01.02 - differential equations, 01.01.03 - mathematical physics (Prof. Dr., member of the National Academy of Sciences U.M. Sultangasin is the Chairman)

ОД 53.12.01 on defence of the thesis on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences on specialities 05.13.13 - computers, complexes, system and network; 05.13.16 - application of computer facilities, mathematical modeling and mathematical methods in scientific researches (Prof. Dr. I.T. Park is the Chairman)


Institute of mathematics was organized in 1965 (from 1965 to 1992 it was Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, from 1992 to March 8, 1999 it was Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, since March 9, 1999 it is Institute of Mathematics). 168 persons work at the Institute, including 25 persons at the expense of over and above budgetary means. Among 112 Scientific employees of the Institute there are 2 academicians and 4 Corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences, 21 Dr. Prof. & 49 Ph.D., 2 USSR State Prize winners, 2 Honored Science and Engineering Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Employees of the Institute are the awardees of the International Gumbolt’s Grant, International Chorezmi Prize, Soros Foundation, INTAS, American Mathematical Society, ISTC, CNRS of France and others. In 1998 the National Committee of Mathematics of Kazakhstan was founded in the Republic on the basis of the Institute (since 1994 Kazakhstan is a member of the International Mathematical Society, since 1998 - member of the International Mathematical Society of Asian Countries).


The main scientific directions of the Institute are


Differential Equations

Mathematical Physics


Mathematical Logic

Theory of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics

Computer Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling


1 A.A. Zhensykbayev Approximation of multivariate functions and its applicatioins. Тез.докл. Междунар. конф., посвящ. 80-летию С.Б.Стечкина. 28 февр.- 3 марта 2000г. Екатеринбург, 2000. С.173-174. Recovery problemson sets of multivariate functions by accurate data. ANALYSIS Math., v.23, N 2, 1997. (Россия-Венгрия). Optimal recovery methods of oparators on the classes of multivariate functions. ISAAC, Abstracts, Newark DE, 1997 (USA).
2 N.K. Bliev Generalized analytic functions in Tractional Spaces., Longman I.K. On many-dimeytional geyeralization of the Cauchy-Rimann system. J.Vekua. Tbilisi, 1997. P.58. Sotion and Geometry. Кн.”Неравенства и устойчивость в эволюции динамических структур в природе. 1998, Алматы, “±ueui”.
3 A.S. Dzhumadildayev Minimal polynomials for right-symmetric algebras, J. Algebra, 225 (2000), 201-230. Leibniz cohomology: pre-simplicial aproach, Lie theory and Appl., III. World Scientific, 124-136, 2000. Cohomologies and deformations of right - symmetric algebras. J.Math.Sciences, 93 (1999), No, 6, 1836-1876. Preprint availabe math. RT/9807065.
4 U.M. Sultangasin Initial-value problemfor the opedimentional model of Broadwell and the discrete models of Boltzmann equation. ДАН РК. 1998, № 5, pp.29-39. Начально-краевые задачи для одномерной модели Бродвела и одномерных дискретных уравнений Больцмана. ДАН РК, 2000, № 5. С.39-46 (совм. с Сакабековым А.С.). Развитие космических технологий и метода дистанционного зондирования в Казахстане. ДАНК РК, 1999, 3 , с.9-16.
5 S.N. Kharin “Mathematical Model of Arc Evolution From Metallic Phase to Gaseous Phase”, Proc. 20-th International Conf. on Electrical Contacts (ICEC 2000), Sweden, Stockholm, 2000, pp. 155- 160. Pseudo-Voltera Integral Equations. International Congress of Mathematical, Berlin, Germany, 1998. Modelling of Transition Arc Phenomena in Openong Electrical Contacs. Proc. ICECT,99, Nagoya, Japan, 1999, pp.133-140.`
6 I.T. Park Компьютерные вычисления в комплексной области. Монография. Сеул, 2000, 200 стр. Как мы учили нейронную сеть предсказывать уровень Каспийского моря. Труды межд.науч.-техн.конф., Сеул, 1999. (совм. с Макаренко Н.Г.). Промышленная математика, ±ылым, Алматы.
7 L.A. Alexeyeva Generalized function method in the boundary value problems of elastodynamics by stationary running load. Proceedings of II International Symposium on Mechanical Vibrations (ISMV-2000) Pakistan. Islamabad. 25-28 Sept. 9??. Boundary Element Method of Boundary Value Problems of Elastodinamics by Stationary Running Loads. Int.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Element. 1998. V.22,4, 327-331. Boundary Integral Equations for Nyperbolic System with Derivatives of Second Order. I Turkish World Mathematics Sumposium Abstracts. Turky, Elazig, 29 Jine-2july, 1999, p.105.
9 B.L. Baideldinov Плотность финитных функций и продолжение с границы в переопределенном классе. Изв АН РК, 1998, № 5, с.25-30 Мультивесовые пространства и их приложение к дифференциальным уравнениям. Труды межд.конф. “Функцинальные пространства, дифференц. операторы”, Москва, 1998, с.45-587. О приграничных свойствах мультивесовых пространств. Доклады РАН, т.367, № 5, 1999, с.583-585.
10 M.T. Dzhenaliev On the boundary value problems for loaded differential equations. J. Korean Math. Soc. - 37 (2000), № 5, pp.1-12. About the first and second-order optimality conditions for governed elliptic equations. Материалы Международной конференции “Проблемы управления и информатики” (19-22 сентября 2000г., Бишкек), c.86-89. The loaded differentioal equations and their applications. Abstr. Of International conf. EQUADIFF,99, c.130-131.
11. D.S. Dzhumabaev Метод параметризации в теории краевых задач. Труды Межд. конф. "Образование, наука и экономика на рубеже тысячелетий". Высокие Татры (Словакия). 21 - 25 августа 2000 г. С. 124 - 127. Оценки аппроксимации сингулярных краевых задач для нелинейных обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений. Ж. выч.матем.и мат.физ. № 11. 1998, с.1814-1821. Об однозначной разрешимости линейных двухточечных краевых задач с параметром. Изв. МН-АН РК. Сер.физ.-мат., 1999, № 1, с.31-37.
13 K.Zh. Kudaybergenov The number of homogeneous models of a complete theory. AMS Translations, (2) № 192, 1999, p. 187-204. The number of homogeneous models of a complete theory. AMS Translations, (2) № 192, 1999, p. 187-204. Об атомных моделях. Математический журнал. Труды института математики СО РАН, 2000, т.,3, № 2, С.43-60.
14 A.Zh. Naymanova Пристеночный пограничный слой в стратифицированной среде. Инженерно-физический журнал, Минск, т.72, № 2, 1999, с.294-300. Осесимметричная турбулентная струя в продольном магнитном поле. Магнитная гидродинамика. № 4, т.33, 1997, с.403-409. Процессы волнообразования над неоднородной поверхностью. Математическое моделирование, Москва, т.10, № 8, с.43-53.
15 T.K. Nurekenov On the Differential Inequalities. Thes. 26th Summer School "Applications of mathematics in engineering and economics". Sozopol. Bulgaria. 11-17 June 2000. P. 48. Применение метода Фурье и счетной системы нелинейных интегральных уравнений к разрешимости начально - краевой задачи для одного класса квазилинейных гиперболических уравнений второго порядка. Труды межд. конф. "Образование, наука и экономика на рубеже тысячелетий". Высокие Татры (Словакия). 21 - 25 августа 2000 г. С. 124 - 127. Об одном интегральном операторе Урысона. Доклады МН и ВО РК, 1999, № 6, с.21-27.
16 M.G. Peretyatkin Finitely axiomatizable theories and Lindenbaum algebras of semantic classes. Contemporary Mathematics (Computability theory and applications, Current trends and Open Problems) 257, 2000. Pp.221-239. Finitely Axiomazable Theories. Plenum Publ. Co, New-York, Moscow. Finitely axiomatizable theories and Lindenbaum algebras of semantic classes. Contemporary Mathematics (Computability theory and applications, Current trends and Open Problems) 257, 2000. Pp.221-239.
17 M.I. Rakhimberdiev Применение теории положительных операторов в исследовании грубых свойств линейной дифференциальной системы. Труды Ин-та математики НАН Беларуси, Минск, 2000. Том 4. с.136-139. Об условии слабой экспоненциальной разделенности линейных расширений динамических систем. Сб. Докл. межд. междисциплинарной конф. “Проблемы эволюции открытых систем”, Алматы, “Дайк-пресс”, 1999, вып.1, с.23-27. Положительность и экспоненциальная разделенность автоморфизмов векторного расслоения. Дифф.уравнения, т.35, вып.1, с.121-124.
18 M.K. Takabaev Nonstationary movenment of mountain flows. Лаврентьевские чтения по математике, механике и физике. 5-я межд.конф. 18-22 сент.2000г. Новосибирск. С.106. Численное моделирование горных потоков. Тез. межд. конф. “Теория приближений и гармонический анализ”, Россия, Тула, 26-29 мая, 1998, с.251-252. Нестационарные движения склоновых потоков. Лаврентьевские чтения по математике, механике и физике. 5-я межд.конф. 18-22 сент.2000г. Новосибирск. С.106.
19 M.I. Tleubergenov О задаче Гельмгольца в классе стохастических дифференциальных уравнений второго порядка типа Ито. Труды межд. конф. "Образование, наука и экономика на рубеже тысячелетий". Высокие Татры (Словакия). 21 - 25 августа 2000 г. С. 124 - 127. Об обратной стохастической задаче динамики. Вестник РУДН. Сер. прикл.мат. и финорм., М., № 1, 1999, с.38-43. Об обратной задаче восстановления стохастических дифференциальных систем. “Дифф.уравнения”, 1999, т.35, вып.1.
20 L.P. Phalaleev Приближение сопряженных функций обобщенными операторами Абеля-Пуассона. Матем.заметки. 2000. Т.67, вып.4. с.595-602. Непрерывные методы суммирования коэффициентов Фурье. Вестник МО и ВО РК, № 1, 1999, с.64-70. О порядке убывания коэффициентов Фурье. Изв. МОН НАН РК, Сер.физ.-мат., 2001, № 5, с.53-57.
23 V.G. Boinov A probabilistic description of radioactive contamination. Appl. Radiation and Isotopes, Vol.52, 993-1002. Unbiased estimation in reliability and similar problems. In: Recent Advances in Reliability Theory, Eds: M.Limnios, M.Nikulin, Birkhauser, Boston ??.435-448. Unbiased estimators and their applications. Vol 2. Multivariate case, Kluwer (Голландия).
24 R.Oinarov Reversion of holders inequalities for sums of weighted norms and additive weighted estimate of integral operator. Integral inequalities and its application. Весовые пространства Харди на конусе монотонных последовательностей. Изв. МН-АН РК, сер.физ.-мат., 1998, с.133-143. (совм. с Шалгинбаевой С.Х.). Дуальное неравенство к аддитивной оценке матричного оператора. Труды межд.конф. “Современное состояние и перспективы развития математики в рамках программы “Казахстан в третьем тысячелетии”, 2001, с.111-115.