conferenceaddress - structureshort background - research fields leading researchers -


Address: The Republic of Kazakhstan, 480100, Almaty, Pushkin street, 125
Phone: +7(3272) 627715
Fax: +7(3272) 627715, 911828

Director of the Institute: doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, academician of International Informatizational Academy (IIA), academician of International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society AIDARKHANOV M. B.
Phone: +7 (3272) 627715, 913818, Fax: 7 (3272) 627715, 7 (3272) 91 18 28

Deputy director on science: doctor of technical sciences, academician of IIA, professor BIYASHEV R.G.
Phone: +7 (3272) 91 18 28, Fax: 7 (3272) 91 18 28
E-mail: brg@

Scientific secretary: candidate of physical and mathematical sciences KULPESHOV B.Sh.
Phone: +7(3272)) 91 18 28
E-mail: kbsh@


LABORATORY OF INFORMATION SAFETY. Methods and tools of security of information safety in data networks, bases and banks. Problems of certification of technical and software of a guard of an information. Normative and legal documents of security of information safety.
Head - doctor of technical sciences, professor BIYASHEV R.G.

LABORATORY OF THEORY OF MODELS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS. General problems of computer logic. Problems of formalization of reacting information systems. Researches of logic aspects of languages of specifications and relational databases by using theoretical-model methods.
Head - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, docent BAIZHANOV B.S.

LABORATORY OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND DECISION MAKING. Researches of mathematical models and methods for decision-making problems. Recognition and classification, analysis, handling data transfer. Development of the rectangular cutting & packing theory. Effective algorithms of combinatorial optimization.
Head - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences ARSLANOV M.Z.

LABORATORY OF INTELLECTUAL CONTROL SYSTEMS AND NETS. Development of interval methods of the theory of control, researches of interval dynamic properties with use of methods of interval mathematics. Development of an artificial immune system for applications to nature-economic processes.
Head - doctor of technical sciences, professor SOKOLOVA S.P.

DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MODELING. Development and research of models, methods and creation of information system of a simulation modeling and analysis of market mechanisms of open, non-equilibrium developing economic system.
Head - corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan ASHIMOV A.A.

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS. Program-technical support of personal computers and local network of Institute. Security of work of INTERNET and e-mail. Multiple copying service. Participation in development of applied software.
Head - senior scientific researcher SAKHARIEV B.B.

SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL Scientific council of Institute is a joint consultative committee of management of Institute. Scientific council operates on the base of Article about Scientific council stated by the director of Institute.

POST-GRADUATE COURSE Prepares high qualification specialists with a separation and on the job on the following specialities:
05.13.01 - System analysis, control and information processing (technical)
05.13.18 - Mathematical modelling, numerical methods and complexes of the programs (physical and mathematical, technical).

COUNCIL ON DEFENCE OF A THESIS. Institute is included in a structure of integrated council on a defence of a thesis on competition of a scientific degree of doctor and candidate of sciences:
On basis of Institute of mathematics (ID 53.12.01) on the following specialities:
05.13.15 - Telecommunication systems, computer nets
05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of the programs.
Vice-chairman - AIDARKHANOV M.B.
On basis of Kazakh National Technical University (ID 14.13.03. А) on the following specialities:
05.13.01- System analysis, control and information processing
05.13.06 - Automation and control by technological processes and productions
Vice-chairman - BIYASHEV R.G.


Institute of Informatics and Control Problems was organized in September, 1991 for intensive and purposeful development of fundamental and applied researches in the field of informatics and control in Kazakhstan and scientific security of the program of informatization of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Staff of the institute includes about 85 employees. There are 8 doctors of sciences and 24 candidates of sciences among 51 scientific employees of the institute.


The main scientific directions of the Institute are:

Information Safety and Cryptography

Applied Logic

Pattern Recognition and Decision-Making

System analysis and modeling

Artificial Intellect

Mathematical Cybernetics

Relation Database


1. Institute is a parent organization under the program of fundamental researches "To investigate mathematical models, methods and tools of information technologies of construction of information and control systems" for 2000-2002 years.
Scientific principal of the program - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor AIDARKHANOV M.B.
Task 1: Development and research of languages, methods and tools of creation and support of information systems; methods and tools of information safety.
Task 2: Development and research of models and methods of analysis and synthesis of processes of recognition, classification, intellectual forecasting, decision-making; modeling and control by complex systems.

2. Institute is a parent organization on the applied program of realization of scientific researches and technical developments in the field of a guard of an information for 2001-2003 years.
Scientific principal of the program - doctor of technical sciences, professor BIYASHEV R.G.


AIDARKHANOV M. B. - professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, academician of International Informatizational Academy, academician of International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society -

BIYASHEV R.G. - professor, doctor of technical sciences, academician of IIA - .

BAIZHANOV B.S. - docent, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences -

ARSLANOV M.Z. - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences -

ASHIMOV A.A. - professor, doctor of technical sciences, corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan .

SOKOLOVA S.P. - professor, doctor of technical sciences -

ASHIGALIEV D.U. - docent, candidate of technical sciences.

AYAGANOV E.T. - docent, candidate of technical sciences.

KULPESHOV B.Sh. - docent, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences



Metric and Structural Approaches to the Construction of Group Classifications, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, USA, vol. 4, № 4, 1994, рp. 372-389.
Представление классификаций конечного множества объектов в единичном кубе, Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики, том 39, № 10, 1999, C.: 1771-1776.
Some properties of group classifications, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, USA, vol. 9, № 1, 1999, pp. 7-10.
Корректность алгебраических расширений моделей алгоритмов классификации, Кибернетика и системный анализ, № 5, 2001, С.: 185-190.


Основные направления развития и совершенствования криптографического закрытия информации, Зарубежная радиоэлектроника, № 12, Москва, 1989 (в соавторстве).
Оценка технического уровня и средств вычислительной техники, Микропроцессорные средства и системы, № 6, Москва, 1989 (в соавторстве).
Сертификация средств вычислительной техники, Информатика и вычислительная техника, спецвыпуск, Москва, 1995 (в соавторстве).
Multiobjective optimization and binary relations in active system theory, 14th World Congress of IFAC/ Preprints, vol. M. IFAC, Beijing, Public Republic of China, July, 1999, pp.107-110.
Continued fractions in optimal cutting of rectangular sheet into equal small rectangles, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 125, issue 2, 2000, pp. 239-248.
N-bit parity ordered neural networks, accepted by Elsevier journal "Neurocomputing", 2002 (with D.U. Ashigaliev and E.E. Ismail).
Expansion of a model of a weakly o-minimal theory by a family of unary predicates, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 66 (2001), pp. 1382-1414.
Generic Queries of Databases Embedded in a weakly o-Minimal Universe, Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Conference "The Informative Technologies and Control", Almaty, December 6-10, 1999, pp. 211-212.
Orthogonality of one-types in weakly o-minimal theories, Algebra and Model Theory II (A.G. Pinus and K.N. Ponomaryov, editors), Novosibirsk State Technical University, 1999, pp. 3-28.
Робастность систем управления и структурно-устойчивые отображения, Доклады НАН РК, № 6, 2000, С.: 28-32 (совместно с М.А. Бейсенби).
Качественное исследование динамических свойств модели взаимосвязанных рынков экономической системы, Доклады НАН РК, № 6, 2001, С.: 26-31 (совместно с А.С. Сакабековым и др.).
Об алгоритмах исследования аттракторов динамических систем, Материалы Международной научно-технической конференции "Инженерная наука на рубеже XXI века", Алматы, 2001, С.: 112-113.
Построение векторного управления многомерным интервально-заданным объектом, Вычислительные технологии, Том 4, № 4, 1999, Новосибирск, с.3-13 (совместно с Р.С. Ивлевым)..
Синтез модального регулятора для многомерных интервально-заданных объектов, Доклады НАН РК, № 4, 2000, с.29-32. (совместно с Р.С. Ивлевым).
Интервальная асимптотическая устойчивость дискретных интервально-заданных объектов, Доклады НАН РК, № 5, 2000, с.20-25. (совместно с Р.С. Ивлевым и Б.А. Абрамовым).
Система автоматического управления с изменяющейся конфигурацией для объектов с запаздыванием. Алматы: Гылым. 1995. -167 с. (совместно с А.А. Ашимовым и С.П. Соколовой).
Исследование свойства притяжения многомерной, стохастической системы автоматического управления объектами с запаздыванием к множеству конусного типа, Международный сборник "Проблемы нелинейного анализа в инженерных системах", Вып. 2(10), Казань: Казанский Государственный Технический Университет им. А.Н. Туполева.. 1999, с.11-24.
Об оптимальной стабилизации интервально-заданного объекта с запаздыванием, Вестник КазНУ, Алматы, №5 (28), 2001, с.96 - 103 (совместно с Г.Н. Пащенко).
Weakly o-minimal structures and some of their properties, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 63, № 4, 1998, pp. 1511-1528.
Queries of databases over an w-categorical ordered domain, Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Conference in the Republic of Kazakhstan "The Informative Technologies and Control", December 6-10, 1999, Almaty, p. 230.
Binary w-categorical weakly o-minimal theories, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 7, Number 1, 2001, p.129
Distribution Control Model of the Path Capacity and Routing of the Integrated Network, Russian Journal of Operations Reseacrch, Amsterdam, № 1, 1995, pp. 195-207.
Математический метод оценки параметров качества обслуживания сети передачи данных, Математический журнал, Алматы, том 1, № 2, 2001, С.: 3-9.
N-bit parity ordered neural networks, accepted by Elsevier journal "Neurocomputing", 2002, file N-parity.pdf (with E.E. Ismail).